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Raffia Kyiv - Privacy Policy

Basic provisions

By using the services of the Raffia Kyiv online store (hereinafter referred to as the online store), the user agrees to the Privacy Policy.

The online store reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy at its own discretion at any time.

The user assumes responsibility for familiarizing himself with the Privacy Policy and the Public Offer, according to which the rules for using the online store are regulated.

Collection of personal information

The online store offers the user, when ordering goods and/or using other services, to provide certain personal information by filling out a form. The decision to use such services or to refuse them is made by the user. If the user wants to use these services, the online store may ask him to provide personal data, for example, first and last name, e-mail address, phone number and possibly other information that identifies the user. Depending on the type of services, some personal information must be provided on a mandatory basis, while other information is provided on a voluntary basis. If the user does not provide the information necessary to provide a certain service, such service cannot be provided to him.

The user gives his consent to the processing of his personal data, namely the implementation of the actions provided for in accordance with the Law of Ukraine No. 2297-17 "On personal data" from 01.06.2010, and confirms that by giving such consent, he acts freely , voluntarily and in their own interests.

The user's consent to the processing of personal data is specific, informed and conscious.

Use of personal information

The online store collects personal information about the user in order to support the user in obtaining certain information or services. When the user enters his data, they become available only to him and the administrator of the online store.

The user grants the online store the right to perform the following actions (operations) with personal data:

  • collection and accumulation;
  • storage for the period of storage of reports established by regulatory documents, but not less than three years, from the date of termination of use of services by the User;
  • clarification (update, change);
  • use;
  • destruction;
  • depersonalization;
  • transfer at the request of the court, including to third parties, in compliance with measures ensuring the protection of personal data from unauthorized access.

The online store is responsible for the protection of personal data of customers and persons who intend to purchase our products. Protection of personal data takes place in full accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. The online store takes all necessary measures to protect personal data from improper use and ensure their safe storage. We guarantee compliance with all applicable laws and regulations on the protection of personal data.

The use, processing and disclosure of your personal data takes place in accordance with current legislation. We ask you to take into account that the processing of personal data without your consent is carried out even if there are legal grounds for this, provided that such use does not lead to a violation of your rights, freedoms and interests.

Option to choose

In order to preserve confidentiality, the user is not obliged to provide us with information that may cause any inconvenience. However, using the resources of the online store is impossible without providing some personal information, which is mandatory.

Use of cookies

In order to improve the website, the online store uses cookies to record (record) user visits. A cookie is a small file that is transferred to the user's browser using a web server and can only be recognized by the server that sent it. Such files cannot be used as executable programs or to introduce viruses. The settings of most browsers allow you to accept cookies by default. The user can configure the browser so that he receives a notification about the appearance of a cookie file. In this case, the user gets the opportunity to independently decide to accept or reject it. For some sites that require authorization, cookies are required. Users who reject cookies on such sites will most likely not be able to use their resources.

We use cookies to record visits to the online store and our web server automatically records the IP/Internet address of the user's computer. This type of data does not allow the user to be personally identified, that is, his anonymity will be preserved, unless he himself provides the online store with information about himself.

Privacy Claims

If the user has the opinion that the online store has not fulfilled its obligations to comply with this Privacy Policy, he can send a letter with a complaint using the contacts for communication. The letter should describe in as much detail as possible how the online store, according to the user, violated the Privacy Policy. All complaints will be dealt with appropriately.

If the user does not agree with the privacy policy of the online store, he is advised not to use the services of the online store.